Commands equivalent to Unix head, tail, more and sed
(get-content shorted to gc)
gc log.txt | select -first 10 # head
gc log.txt | select -last 10 # tail
gc log.txt | more
gc log.txt | %{ $_ -replace '\d+', '($0)' } # sed
Top 10 Commands
- Get-Command retrieves a list of all available cmdlets.
- Get-Help displays help information about cmdlets and concepts.
- Get-WMIObject retrieves management information by using WMI.
- Get-EventLog retrieves Windows event logs.
- Get-Process retrieves a single or list of active processes.
- Get-Service retrieves a Windows service.
- Get-Content reads in text files, treating each line as a child object.
- Add-Content appends content to a text file.
- Copy-Item copies files, folders, and other objects.
- Get-Acl retrieves access control lists (ACLs).