Where things are:
- Derby run time data: ${OFBizDirectory}\runtime\data\derby\ofbiz
- Web Server work files that records session information are located in ${OFBizDirectory}\runtime\catalina\work
- OfBiz Service management main web page : https://localhost:8443/webtools/control/ServiceList (needs to login first) Service name is case sensitive
Entity Engine Related Tools:
- To issue direct SQL statement use webtools->entity engine->entity_sql_processor
- Direct XML entity table definition can be found under ${ofbiz}/applications/{component of choice}/entitydef/entitymodel.xml
- To find entity referece use https://localhost:8443/webtools/control/entityref
- To find SQL or JAVA type associated with an entity type, goto {$ofbiz}/framework/entity/fieldtype. Look into fieldtype{database name}.xml
- Export data to excel: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/Export+to+Excel
Data Import and Export
- To use CSV file: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/Handling+of+External+data#HandlingofExternaldata-UsetheEntityxmldataresource
- Ofbiz Data File Tools
- For XML Import/Export, use webtools->Entity XML Tools
- For Table Definitions, Foreign Key Relations and a dump of the table, use webtools->entity engine->entity data maintainance
Add User with admin privilege
- http://www.hotwaxsystems.com/apache-ofbiz-blog/ofbiz-tutorial-how-to-setup-permission-for-a-new-user-to-access-an-application/
- For complete admin access, be sure to add security group FULLADMIN to user login