Start Application
- ofbizstart.bat
- load demo data – gradlew loadDefault ofbiz
- no demo data – gradlew ofbiz
- debug mode
- prepare Eclipse – gradlew eclipse
- run in debug mode – gradlew ofbizDebug
Create a plugin
- gradlew createPlugin -PpluginId=ofbizDemo
- OFBiz 16.11.02 use Gradle 2.13 wrapper so it won’t work with Gradle 4
Accounting system
- https://localhost:8443/accounting
- From accounting, one can go to many applications such as order, catalog, content manager, party manager…etc. Note, any plugin programmed and put in hot-deploy will be under the application tab of accounting.
Ecommerce system
- https://localhost:8443/ecommerce/control/main
Web tools
- https://localhost:8443/webtools/control/main
- This includes tools for entity engine
Good Tutorials:
Technical Setup
Business Set Up
- https://localhost:8443/ofbizsetup/control/main