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- If you’ve installed postgresql using the installer, it typically sets the service to start automatically when Windows is started. To check if postgresql is already running, issue net start in a command window and look for postgresql.
- To start postgresql server: pg_ctl.exe restart -D “<data file directory>”. Note, using restart effectively issues pg_ctl.exe stop before restarting the process.
- To start postgresql as a windows service:
- first run services.msc to findout postgresql’s service name on your machine
- issue net start <service name> from command line or click on it in the services.msc window.
- To start at a different port:
- To check status
- pg_ctl status -D “<data directory>”
- To check if a port is in use:
- netstat -a -o (-o gives you the pid of the process that is using the port).
- tasklist /fi “pid eq <pid #>” will list the process that’s using the port
- To dump schema information into a file:
- pg_dump -U <username> -d <dateabase name> -s -f <file name>