- Note: when creating a table with automatically increasing id, for example:
The type created in a Mysql table is an unsigned integer (i.e., int(10), signed integer in mysql is int(11)). If this id is used in another table as a foreign key, don’t forget to create the corresponding field as an unsigned integer as well. Otherwise, the foreign key constraint will fail with Mysql error 150.
- Rollback one step (Laravel 5.3 or above)
php artisan migrate:rollback --step=1
To roll back a particular batch, first, change the batch number in the migration table to be one greater than the latest number. Second, run the rollback command above.
- To execute latest migration:
php artisan migrate
- To create a table
php artisan make:migration create_table_name
- To make model (note: don’t forget to modify namespace if file is moved to any other directory)
php artisan make:model TableName
- Combining create table with make model:
php artisan make:model TableName --migration
- When creating a migration file in Laravel, the class name is generated in association with the file name. If one change the class name in a way that does not follow the Laravel convention, one would get an fatal error that states: Class ‘so and so’ not found. This error is not fixable by doing composer dump-autoload. It can only be fixed by changing the name back to what Laravel expects
- If php artisan tinker is not loading the right namespace for the model, do a
composer dump-autoload
php artisan migrate –pretend
this command will not run the migration rather it will print out it’s raw SQL
- If MySQL ALGORITHEM parameter needed to be used in migration, use the raw DB commands. For example, instead of doing:
Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->renameColumn('cars', 'fast_cars'); });
Do this instead:
- Note: when creating a table with automatically increasing id, for example: