Using serverless framework: Very good blog with examples
emailUsersWhenJobComplete: handler: src/emailUsersWhenJobComplete.handler events: - stream: type: dynamodb arn: ${construct:batchJobs.tableStreamArn} filterPatterns: - eventName: [INSERT] dynamodb: NewImage: jobState: S: [DONE] - eventName: [MODIFY] dynamodb: NewImage: jobState: S: [DONE] OldImage: jobState: S: - anything-but: [DONE] structureCheck: handler: src/structureCheck.handler events: - stream: type: dynamodb arn: ${construct:structures.tableStreamArn} filterPatterns: - eventName: [INSERT] dynamodb: NewImage: type: S: [piping] radius_cm: N: - numeric: [>, 5] length_m: N: - numeric: [>, 10] material: S: - prefix: [PVC]
events: - stream: type: dynamodb arn: stream_arn filterPatterns: - eventName: 'INSERT' # [INSERT|MODIFY|REMOVE] dynamodb: Keys: # NewImage|OldImage|Keys temperature: # name of field S: [{"prefix":"celsius"}] # S for String, N for number, etc.
Worked for “or” condiftion using serverless framework
- stream: type: dynamodb arn: streamArn bisectBatchOnFunctionError: true destinations: onFailure: arn: Fn::GetAtt: - DLQName - Arn type: sqs filterPatterns: - eventName: [REMOVE] - eventName: [INSERT, MODIFY] dynamodb: NewImage: SourceId: S: [{"prefix":"start"}] - eventName: [INSERT, MODIFY] dynamodb: NewImage: Id: S: ["AAA", "BBB", "CCC"]
AWS tutorial <–this one does not use the serverless framework notation
You can specify up to 5 event filtering patterns for a Lambda function. Notice that each one of those 5 events will be evaluated as a logical OR. So if you configure two filters named Filter_One
and Filter_Two
, the Lambda function will execute Filter_One
OR Filter_Two
SampleEventSourceMapping: Type: AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping Properties: FilterCriteria: Filters: - Pattern: "{\"dynamodb\":{\"NewImage\":{\"Id\": {\"S\": [\"C1\",\"C2\",\"C3\"]}}}}" - Pattern: "{\"eventName\": [\"REMOVE\"]}"