Helpful Video:
- Already registered a domain name in AWS Route 53
- Already created a Lightsail instance
Now, proceed to map the domain
- Go to Lightsail counsole. Goto Networking tab.
- Click on the Create a static ip button. Map to the Lightsail instance. Note, Static ips are free while attached to an instance. Otherwise, it cost $0.005 per hour. When you delete the Ligthsail instance, make sure you delete the static ip as well. Otherwise, there will be a charge. You can have up to 5 free static ips.
- Go back to the Networking tab. Click Create DNS Zone button. Enter the domain name and any associated tags. Click Create.
- In DNS zone, create at least one A record that shows @.domain name and map it to the name of the static ip.
- Copy the name servers.
- Now switch to Route 53 console.
- Goto Dashboard, select the domain name. Change its name servers to the ones saved from the Lightsail DNS zone. They must match.
- Give a few minutes for the changes to propagate.