Author: Yvonne Lu
DynamoDB CLI
Export tab separated data aws dynamodb scan ` –table-name table_name ` –query “Items[*].[Id.S, Status.S]” ` –region us-wet-2 ` –output text
Useful BSH commands
which <command> will show path where command is located
Step Function and lambda
Avoid reaching history quota Tutorial for creating lambda and step function that invokes it Invoke syntax, parameter and payload Supported
S3 Sending Notification to SQS
Example Link Add notification configuration to s3 bucket S3 must depend on notification destination queue policy Allow s3 on queue
DynamoDB Locking, Conditional Writes
Optimistic locking with version number may not be available for nodejs Atomic counters idempotence refers to the ability of a system
Lambda Time Out
lambda time out best practices If you make an API call using an AWS SDK and the call fails, the AWS
Browser Storage
Redux May not be persistent. Local Storage Shared between all tabs and windows from the same origin. The data does
Twilio Notes
Professional Services Templates Capturing task events in event (not action) task.on(‘wrapup’, ()=>{}); task.on(‘completed’, ()=>{}); Task list filter by
Research into s3 read object
AWS list object with pagination AWS CLI examples AWS selectObjectContent with nodejs GitHub example code for selectObjectContent read json with