Paginate search results Best practice API pagination ElasticSearch pagination techniques Deep pagination is one of the top performance killers for your cluster. Deep
Author: Yvonne Lu
React Notes
Isolate fetch using custome hook: To use this custom hook, you would simply import it into your component and call
Terraform notes
The definitive guide to using Terraform with the serverless framework Serverless pattern collection The entire Serverless Patterns Collection is also
AWS Best practices
Best practices for organizing larger serverless applications Best Practices for Designing Amazon API Gateway Private APIs and Private Integration HTTP
AWS Nodejs Load Credential from JSON
Load crendentials from json file Set up a config.json as follows: { “accesskeydId”: “”, “secretAccessKey”: “”, “sessionToken”:””, “securityToken”: “”, “region”:”us-west-2″
AWS Cloudwatch Notes
To see top 10 lambda functions by error count: Got to AWS console->Cloudwatch->All metrics SELECT SUM(Errors) FROM SCHEMA(“AWS/Lambda”, FunctionName) GROUP
Mac commands
To temporarily set the path environment variable on macOS: PATH=:$PATH Permanently: The way that macOS recommends is to add a
AWS Websocket notes
WSCAT – utility is a convenient tool for testing a WebSocket API Tutorial: Building a serverless chat app with a
Tracing calls to downstream HTTP web services using the X-Ray SDK for Node.js Related Stackover flow Serverless Framework turn on
React Related Commands
Create a react app npx create-react-app project_name Start development server cd project_name npm start See ESLin configurations npm ls eslint