Calling async function from sync: async function wait() { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); return 10; } function f()
Twilio Programmable Voice
Voice Insights Get Conference participants from conference insights curl -G{{conf sid}}/Participants -u accountsid:token Voice SDK connectivity requirements “Voice
Twilio Migration Conversation API
Replacing the chat widget for 2.0: Example webchat REACT app Another webchat UI sample Get Started with Flex Conversations Handle
AWS Stream from DDB to Datalake
Streaming Amazon DynamoDB data into a centralized data lake We use an AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key for server-side encryption
Twilio Event Stream
Trust that your events will be queued if your system goes down and delivered as soon as they’re back up
AWS Serverless Notes YAML…etc
Serverless guide This is slightly different than regular cloudformation yaml file syntax. To include other files in the main yaml
Lambda and SQS
Here’s how to avoid lambda throttling when lambda concurrency is limited: The maximum concurrency setting limits the number of concurrent
Securely Calling AWS Lambda from React
Use API Gateway Lambda authorizers A Lambda authorizer is useful if you want to implement a custom authorization scheme that
Twilio Voice Client Configuration
Setting SDK Options – v1 Twilio Device -v1 fakeLocalDTMF false If true, replaces default DTMF tones with mock DTMF tones.
Keeping Lambda Warm
Reducing cold starts with Provisioned Concurrency Understanding how functions warmers work However, this is not a guaranteed way to reduce