AWSTemplateFormatVersion: ‘2010-09-09’ Description: A stack that creates the resources required to complete the Amazon API Gateway WebSocket tutorial. Resources: ConnectionsTable:
Tag: AWS
AWS Websocket Chat Example Notes
Resources: ConnectionsTable8000B8A1: Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table Properties: KeySchema: – AttributeName: connectionId KeyType: HASH AttributeDefinitions: – AttributeName: connectionId AttributeType: S ProvisionedThroughput: ReadCapacityUnits: 5
Terraform notes
The definitive guide to using Terraform with the serverless framework Serverless pattern collection The entire Serverless Patterns Collection is also
AWS Nodejs Load Credential from JSON
Load crendentials from json file Set up a config.json as follows: { “accesskeydId”: “”, “secretAccessKey”: “”, “sessionToken”:””, “securityToken”: “”, “region”:”us-west-2″
AWS Cloudwatch Notes
To see top 10 lambda functions by error count: Got to AWS console->Cloudwatch->All metrics SELECT SUM(Errors) FROM SCHEMA(“AWS/Lambda”, FunctionName) GROUP
Tracing calls to downstream HTTP web services using the X-Ray SDK for Node.js Related Stackover flow Serverless Framework turn on
AWS Severless Application Repository
AWS Documentation Enriching Event-Driven Architectures with AWS Event Fork Pipelines by James Hood Patterns of serverless architecture that can be
Lambda event source filter pattern
Using serverless framework: Very good blog with examples emailUsersWhenJobComplete: handler: src/emailUsersWhenJobComplete.handler events: – stream: type: dynamodb arn: ${construct:batchJobs.tableStreamArn} filterPatterns: –
Cloudformation issues encountered
The event source and function provided mapping already exists. Please update or delete the existing mapping with UUID Add an
AWS Firehose to S3 Prefix Destination configuration default Intermediate S3 prefix (Optional) To use the default prefix for Amazon S3 objects, leave this option